Women’s High Tea
• Womens' High Tea •
Each year, on the first Sunday in May, the ladies of South Routt get together to celebrate in style - old world style, that is. Past Women's High Tea are held at the Soroco High School. This free event has featured an afternoon of old fashioned entertainment, fine fashion, charisma, and charm complete with tea and other delectables. On the past line-ups were dynamic guest speakers and authors of Edible & Medicinal Plants of the Southern Rockies: Mary O'Brien & Karen Vail. Included as a speaker was Linda Long who shared to the High Tea "The Way We Cooked" by speaking on the nostalgic role her back porch played in their families cooking. Mark your calendars for the 2024 Women's High Tea to be held on Sunday, May 5th from 1:30 to 4:00 pm. Wearing your favorite hat is optional, but strongly encouraged!